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Reflecting on my transformative journey with the Computer Vision and Sensing Systems (COVISS) Lab at the University of Florida, I am overwhelmed with profound appreciation πŸ™. My two-year tenure has been an extraordinary chapter of professional growth πŸ“ˆ, marked by incredible camaraderie and groundbreaking research πŸš€.

The memories and connections forged during this time are truly irreplaceable πŸ’–, and I feel immensely privileged to have collaborated with such an exceptional team of researchers and innovators πŸ€πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’».

As I depart, I extend my heartfelt wishes for continued excellence and pioneering advancements to this remarkable laboratory 🌟. May the spirit of curiosity and collaborative innovation that defines COVISS continue to propel cutting-edge research in computer vision and sensing systems πŸ”βœ¨!

Farewell, COVISS Lab - you’ve been an incredible journey! πŸ‘‹πŸŽ“

(L2R): Moses Chilenje, Nesrine Ben Hassine, Zahra Khademi, Me, Prof. Henry Medeiros, Amir Etefaghi Daryani

During my time, I was involved in several cutting-edge research projects:

  1. Long-term Visual Place Recognition: I developed a graph-based image feature representation to address the dynamic nature of regions, incorporating semantic information to enhance place recognition capabilities.

  2. Calibration-free Multi-view Detection and Association: This project focused on leveraging occlusion to improve MODA and MODP in multi-view object detection. I implemented attention networks to enable calibration-free optimization of multi-view detection systems.

  3. End-to-End Detection, Segmentation, and Tracking: Our goal was to surpass state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods for the MOTS challenge through this innovative project.

Additionally, I co-supervised the ABE Robotics team as they prepared for the ASABE Robotics Student Design Competition, 2024, in Anaheim, California. Throughout these projects, I managed documentation and code versioning, with all projects being trained on high-performance computing infrastructure.
