💡 Guide to add Tikz Plots in Latex
Tikz Plots
Tikz plots are very useful to add graphs in your publication.
I use dat
file for each curve of a graph. Consider, you have 3 curves. You put data of each curve to its corresponding file, and follow the step below for plotting. Its simple text file with extension dat
. You can choose any other extension too. It is two columns file. First column corresponds to the x-axis values and second column corresponds to y-axis.
1 64.444
2 67.937
3 70.794
4 73.333
5 73.968
Since most of the plots have some similar axis’s information, so
file is used for controlling default values. For instance, X-Y ticks and X-Y labels defaults values can be assigned in this tikz_styles.tex
X-Y Ticks
Open the file tikz-graph-in-latex/tikz_styles.tex
and change xtick and ytick like below
X-Y Labels
Open the file tikz-graph-in-latex/tikz_styles.tex
and change xtick and ytick like below
xlabel={X-axis description},
ylabel={Y-axis description},
Y-Axis Max and Min
Sometimes, Y-axis doesn’t fit the plot well. So we control y-axis for each plot in the main.tex
Open the file tikz-graph-in-latex/main.tex
and change xtick and ytick like below
\pgfplotsset{ymax=82, ymin= 49}
Similarly, you can also control x-axix min and max value.
Curve Settings
Open the file tikz-graph-in-latex/main.tex
and change color, mark, size and line width for each curve accordingly.
\addplot [color=blue, mark=diamond, mark size=3pt, line width=0.8pt]
Source Code
You can clone the example repository from our :octocat: Github page.
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